衢州第二中学毕业证样本、高中成绩单、 学校创办于1953年,是省首批办好的18所重点中学之一,省一级重点中学,省一级特色示范高中(全省首批,衢州唯一),清华大学“新百年领军计划”学校,北京大学中学校长实名推荐学校。学校占地面积300余亩,建有400 米标准塑胶跑道的田径场、体艺馆等。 Quzhou No. 2 High School was founded in l953. It is one of the l8 top-rated high schools in the Zhejiang province. It is a great honour for our school to have one of its top pupil accepted into Tsinghua university and Beijing University each year on recommendation from our school’s principal. The campus covers an area of about 50 acres. We have a playing field, 400m running track, swimming pool and gym. 学校坚持“以人为本”的办学理念,全力提升师生内心的愉悦度和幸福指数,守住师生快乐的心情,守住师生心底的声音,守住师生温暖的港湾,使师生拥有通达的性情、宽广的胸怀和高贵的修养。师资力量雄厚,有在职省特级教师3名,教授级高级教师3名,市名师22名,市省各学会会长、理事30多人;有中共十七大代表、全国五一劳动奖章获得者、省功勋教师、全国优秀教师、全国教育先进工作者等。高考成绩每年均居全省前列,2005年徐语婧同学夺得省文科状元;每年均有10多名学生考入清华、北大、香港名校和公费赴新加坡名校留学。 Our campus provides a warm welcome, and a friendly, dynamic atmosphere, where learning is fun and you’re sure to fit in and make lasting friendships. The school boasts many well-known teachers of excellence, including three special grade teacher, three professional senior teachers, twenty two distinguished teachers of Quzhou City, excellent academic leaders of respective subjects of Quzhou City, and over thirty presidents and members of academic associations at both the province level and the city level. And some of them have been highly honored, like being elected the representative of 17th CPC Conference and winning awards such as the National May 1st Labor Medal, Teacher of Excellent Achievement of Zhejiang, the National Award for Excellence in Teaching and the National Top Educational Worker Award. The results of students’ College Entrance Examinations are consistently among the best in Zhejiang. In 2005, for example, XuYujing was ranked the top arts student in Zhejiang. Each year, more than l0 students are admitted into Tsinghua University, Peking University, top universities in Hong Kong and famous public universities in Singapore. 学校致力于打造儒学校园,推进国际理解教育,践行绿色低碳生活等特色校园文化,并依托市创新人才培养基地和省中小学心理辅导一级站,以滋养学生儒雅的性情、开阔的视野、环保的理念、创新的精神和健康的心态,全方位提升学生素养。“二中大讲堂”开设专题讲座,丰富学生课内外知识,拓宽学生视野。与美国雷德温市、英国“盖普”组织开展教师互派交流,至今已外派英美交流半年以上的教师近20人。每年均组织学生赴英国、美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、日本等国夏令营,感受异域文化,体悟国际情怀。 |
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