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64) 孙汉巨, 等. Purification, chemical composition and in vitro antioxidant activity of two protein-bound polysaccharides from rapeseed meal. Food Science and Biotechnology,2009. 18(6):1-5.

65) 孙汉巨, In vivo antioxidative capacities of rapeseed meal polysaccharides. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment,2009. 7(2): 97-102.

66) 罗建平, 等. Conversionofprotocorm-likebodiesof Dendrobium huoshanense to shoots:Theroleofpolyaminesin relation totheratiooftotalcytokininsand indole-3-aceticacidindole-3-aceticacid. Journal of Plant Physiology, 2009, 166: 2013-2022.

67) 查学强, 等. Antioxidant properties of different fractions of polysaccharides extracted with hot-water from rice bran. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2009, 78: 570.

68) 罗建平, 等. Identification and classification of Dendrobium candidum species by fingerprint technology with capillary electrophoresis. South African Journal of Botany, 2009, 75: 276.

69) 罗建平, 等. Genetic Characterization of the Nine Medicinal Dendrobium Species Using RAPD. African Journal of Biotechnology, 2009, 8(10): 2064.

70) 罗建平, Molecular cloning and expression analysis of a cytokinin oxidase (DhCKX) gene in Dendrobium huoshanense. Molecular Biology Report, 2009, 36: 1331-1338.

71) 曹树青, The Arabidopsis Ethylene-Insensitive 2 gene is required for lead resistance. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2009, 47: 308-312.

72) 曹树青, 等. The role of β-amino-butyric acid in enhancing heavy metal cadmium resistance in Arabidopsis. Russian Journal of Plant Physiology 2009, 56:575–579.

73) 范远景, 等. Genistein synergizes with RNA interference inhibiting survivin for inducing DU-145 of prostate cancer cells to apoptosis. Cancer Letters, 2009,284:189-197.

74) 魏兆军, 等. Optimization of supercritical carbon dioxide extraction of silkworm pupal oil applying the response surface methodology. Bioresource Technology, 100: 4214–4219.

75) 魏兆军, 等. The complete nucleotide sequence of the mitochondrial genome of Phthonandria atrilineata (Lepidoptera: Geometridae). Mol Biol Rep. 36:1441–1449.

76) 魏兆军, 等. Construction of a full-length cDNA Library from Chinese oak silkworm pupa and identification of a KK-42-binding protein gene in relation to pupa-diapause termination. Int. J. Biol. Sci. 2009, 5: 451-457.

77) 潘丽军,等..米根霉乙醇脱氢酶突变株的筛选及其锌镁离子的调控研究. 微生物学报.2006.46(4).568-590

78) 叶明, 等.禾本科粒毛盘菌多糖提取及其抗氧化活性研究. 浙江大学学报(农业与生命科学版),2009,35(2):153-157.

79) 叶明, 等. 金顶侧耳胞内多糖提取及其生物活性研究. 菌物学报,2009,28(4):558-563.

80) 叶明, 等. 巴西粒毛盘菌黑色素理化性质与结构. 菌物学报,2009,28(3):393-398.

81) 姜绍通, 等. 米根霉菌丝球半连续发酵产乳酸的工艺研究. 农业机械学报,2009,40(11): 150-155.
