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Founded in April, 2006,The College of International Education (CIE), upholding the educational philosophy of “integrating the Eastern and the Western, connecting the ancient and the modern,” is committed to nurturing bilingual and bicultural students with global vision and cross-cultural communicative ability.


CIE has an envious faculty of 43 teachers and administrative staff, most of whom are doctorate degree holders, and more than half have a rich experience of studying and working abroad. CIE offers undergraduate and graduate programs in Chinese Language and Literature, and Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language. In addition, CIE offers quality training courses for International Human Resource Development, Foreign Educational Aids on behalf of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Commerce.

学院在完成汉语国际教育本科和研究生培养任务的同时,已接纳来自109个国家和地区的4000余名留学生,2009年获“全国留学生管理先进单位”荣誉称号。“教育部教育援外基地”、“商务部基础教育援外研修基地” 设在本院,已承担发展中国家高层次援外培训40余项。依托建立的孔子学院,每年选派几十名学生赴美国、韩国、乌克兰、喀麦隆等进行交换学习和汉语推广志愿服务工作。学院学风优良,近几年,本科学生考研录取率在30%左右,英语四级通过率100%,六级通过率在80%以上。本科和研究生就业率接近100%。

CIE has enrolled more than 4000 students from 109 countries and territories to date and was recognized “The National Advanced Organization for International Students Management” in 2009. Entrusted by The Ministry of Education and The Ministry of Commerce, CIE houses The Educational Aid Center for Africa and Asia, and The China Aid Training Center for Primary and Secondary Education, and offers over 40 quality training courses for international educators and administrators. Moreover, CIE sends scores of exchange students to study in the United States, Korea, and other countries, and scores of volunteer students to work in the Confucius Institutes in Ukraine, Cameroun and Mozambique.

CIE remains committed in excellent teaching and upholds the concept of student-centered methodology; hence nearly 100% passing rate for CET4, and 80%, for CET6, and over 30% undergraduates pursuing their Master’s degree at CIE and elsewhere.
