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学校连续两次被海淀区教委授予“全面育人,办有特色校”的锦旗,授予“教育现代化改革试点校”的称号,获北京市颁发的“北京市电化教育优类校”并在连续三次荣获“海淀区文明建设先进单位”的基础上,被评为“首都文明单位”。  目前,我校全体师生正在为实现学校三年发展规划提出的:“把我校建设成为北京市一流的现代化示范性高中校”而继续奋进!


Introduction to Middle School Attached to Northern Jiaotong University

Middle School Attached to Northern Jiaotong University, located to the south of the famous historical resort Big Bell Temple, is near the third ring road north, one of the major transportation hubs in Beijing. First founded in 1957, it grew out of the Middle School Affiliated to Beijing Railway College. As a key school in Haidian district and directly affiliated to the Haidian Educational Bureau, it was awarded a title as a demonstration high school in Beijing in 2004,

The school has two campuses: North Campus and South Campus, covering an area of 65 Chinese mu, enjoying a graceful environment, advanced equipment and modern facilities. There are altogether 59 classes and 2’500 students, including Junior high and Senior high.

The school has a faculty of 230, 50 of whom have Master degrees, and 180 of whom bachelor degrees. Two teachers have Super -class Teacher qualifications, 60 High-class Teacher qualifications. There are 3 backbone teachers Beijing city level and 34 skeleton teachers Haidian District level. 17 teachers take the lead of the subject teaching and research work of Haidian District, and 3 ones are paradigmatic master teachers at Haidian District level.
