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学校将紧紧围绕“教学质量省内一流、教科研水平国内一流”的办学目标,按照“没有爱,就没有教育;没有智慧,就没有教育;没有视野,就没有教育”的教育信仰,以“安安静静教书,快快乐乐育人,仔仔细细管理,健健康康生活”的务实精神,朝着“高视野、高品质、高境界” 教育发展的思路和“不怕吃苦,不怕吃亏;善于反思,善于合作;敢于承担,敢于创新”的育人目标,以实际行动深化教育改革,推进教育创新,争取早日把肇庆中学办成一所既有传统特色、又富有现代化气息的全国名校。

A Brief Introduction to Guangdong Zhaoqing Middle School

Guangdong Zhaoqing Middle School is a key high school in Guangdong Province, renowned for its long history and outstanding achievements in education. The school was founded in November 1905, initially named Duanxi Academy of Guangdong and Guangxi Provinces, which was established in 1573. It has been called “The Best Middle School of the Xijiang River Area”. Since November 1949, it has had its present name “Guangdong Zhaoqing Middle School” and has become one of the 16 key high schools in the province. The school has been highly praised by the public for its excellent education. It is among the first group to have been credited as the first-class high school in Guangdong Province in 1994 and well known as one of the key high schools in Guangdong for its excellence in its school spirit, excellent teaching quality and environment. It has also been awarded the titles of the National Modern Educational Technology Experiment School and National Traditional Items of Physical Education School. The school has passed the General Senior High School Teaching Quality Assessment of Guangdong Province to become a National Demonstration High School with excellent grades. Dozens of awards received by the school in recent years again lend credence to the school’s efforts. In the past two years, the school has been recognized as Secure and Civilized School in Guangdong Province, Guangdong Reading-loving School, Model School of School-based Training in Guangdong Province, Model School of Law-oriented Management in Guangdong Province, National Model School of Fire Safety Education, Youth Science Education Featured School in Guangdong Province, Guangdong Pioneer of Advanced Grassroots Party Organization for “Excelling in Performances”, Model School of Moral Education in Guangdong Province and Model School with Harmonious Campus.


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