化学药物研究所重视师资队伍建设,推进学科发展。现拥有多名学科带头人,获国家级、省部级等科研项目30 多项。已发表上百篇研究论文,其中多数为SCI收录。申请各项专利 25 项,获批 15 项。化学药物研究所的科研条件正在日益改善。药学院现拥有各类先进设备的实验中心,目前有400 MHz核磁共振仪、液相色谱-质谱联用仪、液相色谱仪、气相色谱仪、荧光光谱仪和紫外光谱仪等用于药物化学研究的大中型分析仪器。
科学研究学术论文2009 年发表的SCI论文
作者ti论文题目so期刊影响因子Zhu, QF; Pan, YH; Xu, ZX; Li, RM; Qiu, GG; Xu, WJ; Ke, XB; Wu, LM; Hu, XMSynthesis and potential anticonvulsant activity of new N-3-substituted 5,5-cyclopropanespirohydantoinsEUROPEAN,JOURNAL,OF,MEDICINAL,CHEMISTRYHu,Y,Zhou,XJ,Lu,Y,Hu,CY,Hu,XMNovel biodegradable hydrogels based on pachyman and its derivatives for drug deliveryINTERNATIONAL,JOURNAL,OF,PHARMACEUTICSXiang, J; Yu, CP; Yang, F; Yang, L; Ding, HConformation-activity studies on the interaction of berberine with acetylcholinesterase: Physical chemistry approachPROGRESS,IN,NATURAL,SCIENCEWeng, Y; Chen, ZL; Wang, F; Xue, L; Jiang, HHigh sensitive determination of zinc with novel water-soluble small molecular fluorescent sensorANALYTICA,CHIMICA,ACTAXiao, YL; Xu, WJ; Zhu, QF; Yan, BF; Yang, DF; Yang, J; He, XR; Liang, SC; Hu, XMPreparation and characterization of a novel pachyman-based pharmaceutical aid. II: A pH-sensitive, biodegradable and biocompatible hydrogel for controlled release of protein drugsCARBOHYDRATE,POLYMERSZhou,XJ,Hu,Y,Tian,YP,Hu,XMEffect of N-trimethyl chitosan enhancing the dissolution properties of the lipophilic drug cyclosporin ACARBOHYDRATE,POLYMERSWu,Y,Xie,J,Wang,F,Chen,ZLSeparation of small molecular peptides with same amino acid composition but different sequences by capillary electrophoresisJOURNAL,OF,SEPARATION,SCIENCEZhou,XJ,Hu,XM,Yi,YM,Wan,JPreparation and Body Distribution of Freeze-Dried Powder of Ursolic Acid Phospholipid NanoparticlesDRUG DEVELOPMENT AND INDUSTRIAL PHARMACYXu, WJ; Zhang, J; Guo, H; Zhu, QF; Hu, XMThe Influence of Substituents on the Hydroxyl-Bearing Carbon in the Aza-Payne Rearrangement of AziridinemethanolsLETTERS,IN,ORGANIC,CHEMISTRYXu, WJ; Guo, H; Zhang, J; Zhu, QF; Hu, XMAsymmetric reduction of acetophenone using alpha,alpha-disubstituted aziridinemethanols and boraneJOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS A-CHEMICALKe, XB; Hu, H; Zhang, K; Xu, WJ; Zhu, QF; Wu, LM; Hu, XMSignificant steroids: effective and general synthesis of 4 alpha- and 4 beta-amino-5 alpha-androstanesCHEMICAL,COMMUNICATIONSKe, XB; Hu, H; Zhou, DS; Xu, WJ; Zhu, QF; Reddy, NP; Hu, XMA Facile and General Synthesis of 2 beta-AminosteroidsSYNTHESIS-STUTTGARTFeng,D,Wang,F,Chen,ZLElectrochemical glucose sensor based on one-step construction of gold nanoparticle-chitosan composite filmSENSORS,AND,ACTUATORS,B-CHEMICAL最新文章