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2008 年发表的SCI论文

作者ti论文题目so期刊分区Chen,XW,Wang,F,Chen,ZL,陈子林An electropolymerized Nile Blue sensing film-based nitrite sensor and application in food analysisANALYTICA,CHIMICA,ACTA3Hu, Y; He, XR; Lei, L; Liang, SC; Qiu, GF; Hu, X胡先明?Preparation and characterization of self-assembled nanoparticles of the novel carboxymethyl pachyman-deoxycholic acid conjugatesCARBOHYDRATE,POLYMERS4Xiong,ZG,Zhang,J,Hu,XM胡先明Selective oxidation of spirolactone-related sulfides to corresponding sulfoxides and sulfones by hydrogen peroxide in the presence of N-hydroxysuccinimdeAPPLIED,CATALYSIS,A-GENERAL3Xu, WJ; Guo, H; Zhu, QF; Ke, XB; Hu, XM胡先明Asymmetric borane reduction of prochiral ketones catalyzed by alpha,alpha-disubstituted aziridinemethanolsCATALYSIS,LETTERS3Zhu, QF; Xu, ZX; Hao, YB; Xiao, YL; Xu, WJ; Ke, XB; Teng, HB; Wu, LM; Qiu, GF; Liang, SC; Hu, XM胡先明A facile method for preparation of novel cyclopropanespirohydantoinsLETTERS,IN,ORGANIC,CHEMISTRY4Zhou,J,Liu,M,Ding,H,丁虹Screening method for xanthine oxidase inhibitor screen printed electrodeACTA,CHIMICA,SINICA4Mei, H; Xu, HR; Mao, YX; Zhang, QR; Feng, YQ肖玉秀Immobilized phospholipid capillary electrophoresis for study of drug-membrane interactions and prediction of drug activityTALANTA3Mei, J; Xu, JR; Xiao, YX; Liao, XY; Qiu, GF; Feng, YQ肖玉秀A novel covalent coupling method for coating of capillaries with liposomes in capillary electrophoresisELECTROPHORESIS2Lei,JC,Yu,JQ,Yu,HD,Liao,ZX,余建清Composition, cytotoxicity and antimicrobial activity of essential oil from Dictamnus dasycarpusFOOD,CHEMISTRY2THe, KL; Lv, HJ; Wang, JB; Qiu, GF; Hu, XM胡先明Synthesis and characterization of a novel heterocycle: 1-substituted-4-arylazamethylene-6-arylpyrazolo[5,4-d]-1,3-oxazineJOURNAL,OF,HETEROCYCLIC,CHEMISTRY4Wu,Y,Xie,J,Wang,F,Chen,ZL陈子林Electrokinetic separation of peptides and proteins using a polyvinylamine-coated capillary with UV and ESI-MS detectionJOURNAL,OF,SEPARATION,SCIENCE3

2007 年发表的SCI论文

作者题名刊名影响因子Xiao, YL; Liang, SC; Qiu, GF; Wu, JY; Zhang, JB; Hu, XM胡先明Preparation, characterization and tableting properties of two new pachyman-based pharmaceutical aids: I. disintegrants in dispersible tabletsPOLYMERS,FOR,ADVANCED,TECHNOLOGIES1.504Guo,P,Lia,XH,Wang,J,You,A,郭鹏Study on the compatibility of cefotaxime with tinidazole in glucose injectionJOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL AND BIOMEDICAL ANALYSIS2.761Chen,ZL,Boggess,B,Chang,HC陈子林Open-tubular capillary electrochromatography-mass spectrometry with sheathless nanoflow electrospray ionization for analysis of amino acids and peptidesJOURNAL,OF,MASS,SPECTROMETRY3.062Yu, JQ; Bin Liu, H; Tian, DZ; Liu, YW; Lei, JC; Zou, GL余建清Changes in mitochondrial membrane potential and reactive oxygen species during wogonin-induced cell death in human hepatoma cellsHEPATOLOGY,RESEARCH1.892Yu, JQ; Liao, ZX; Cai, XQ; Lei, JC; Zou, GL余建清Composition, antimicrobial activity and cytotoxicity of essential oils from Aristolochia mollissimaENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY AND PHARMACOLOGY1.281Jian,G,Wang,YW,Lu,XC,Cao,JY,王有为Determination of oridonin in rat plasma by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatographyJOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL AND BIOMEDICAL ANALYSIS2.761Zhou, BH; Li, XJ; Liu, M; Wu, ZH; Hu, XM周本宏、胡先明Antidepressant-like activity of the Gastrodia elata ethanol extract in miceFITOTERAPIA1.106Huang,Z,Tunnacliffe,A,黄泽波Desiccation response of mammalian cells: AnhydrosignalingOSMOSENSING,AND,OSMOSIGNALING2.122Wu, LM; Teng, HB; Ke, XB; Xu, WJ; Su, JT; Liang, SC; Hu, XM胡先明Copper(II) complexes of salicylaldehyde hydrazones: Synthesis, structure, and DNA interactionCHEMISTRY,&,BIODIVERSITY1.42Li, H; Wang, LJ; Qiu, GF; Yu, JQ; Liang, SC; Hu, XM胡先明Apoptosis of Hela cells induced by extract from Cremanthodium humileFOOD,AND,CHEMICAL,TOXICOLOGY2.186Pan,YH,Wang,XC,Hu,XM胡先明Cytotoxic withanolides from the flowers of Datura metelJOURNAL,OF,NATURAL,PRODUCTS2.551Yu, JO; Liao, ZX; Lei, JC; Hu, XM余建清,胡先明Antioxidant and cytotoxic activities of various fractions of ethanol extract of Dianthus superbusFOOD,CHEMISTRY3.052Wu, LM; Qiu, GF; Teng, HB; Zhu, QF; Liang, SC; Hu, XM胡先明Potential tridentate salicylaldehyde hydrazone of arylalkanoic acid coordinate to copper(II) acting as dinegative tetradentate ligandsINORGANICA,CHIMICA,ACTA1.713Wu, LM; Teng, HB; Feng, XC; Ke, XB; Zhu, QF; Su, JT; Xu, WJ; Hu, XM胡先明Supramolecular networks in crystals of metal(II) complexes with water-soluble salicylaldehyde-2-sulfobenzoylhydrazone anion ligandCRYSTAL,GROWTH,&,DESIGN4研究方向

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