在社会各界的大力支持下,在各级领导的亲切关怀下,在代代一中人的不懈努力下,沂源一中为家乡建设和国家建设培养了大批有用人才,赢得了社会的肯定和赞誉,并先后被授予“山东省教书育人先进单位”、“山东省文明单位”、“山东省花园式单位”、“山东省体育传统项目学校”、“山东省电化教育示范学校”、“山东省卫生工作先进单位”、“山东省‘绿色学校’”、“山东省创安工作先进单位”、“山东省先进职工之家”,“山东省民主管理先进单位”、“山东省生物、物理、化学奥林匹克优胜学校”、“山东省物理奥林匹克竞赛‘十佳学校’”、“金牌学校”等荣誉称号。未来发展目前,全校师生正以自强不息的精神、精益求精的态度、饱满的热情、百倍的努力,凝神聚力,干事创业, 努力将沂源一中建设成为“建设高档次、配备高标准、管理高水平、师生高素质、教学高质量、办学有特色”的让全县人民满意的全国示范性高中。
新校校舍占地480亩,计划投资1.4亿元,可容纳120个教学班,所有建筑和设施均按照国家示范性高中标准建设和配备,一期工程将于2005年7月完成,届时该校办学条件将达到市内领先、省内一流、国内知名。目前新校建设各项工作已全面展开。英文介绍The Construction of the New Yiyuan No. 1 Middle School
In order to play an exemplary role of the high- quality high school, run well the education to satisfy the people of Yiyuan, The county Party committee and the county government will classify building the new school as one of nine major issues in 2003.
The new school takes up an area of 480 mu with planned investment of 1 40 million yuan, it can hold 120 teaching classes .All the buildings and installations will be constructed and installed with the standard of exemplary schools .The first stage of the project would be finished in July, 2005. The condition for running our school will reach the first-class and will be well-known in Zibo,Shandong or even China when the time comes. At present the new school is under construction.